Selected Peer Reviewed and Invited Publications and Presentations (2015- present)
Author underlining indicates graduate students supervised by Dr. Jennifer Connolly.
Connolly, J. Shulman S & Benvenuto, K. Romantic Relationships in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood. To appear in APA Handbook on Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Connolly, J., & Benvenuto, K. (In press). Early Adversity and Sexuality in Emerging Adulthood. E. Morgan and M. Van Dulmen (Eds), Sexuality in Emerging Adulthood, Oxford University Press.
Connolly J., & McDonald, K. (2020) Cross-cultural perspectives on dating and marriage. Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development, Wiley-Blackwell Press.
Leadbeater, B., Temple, J., and Connolly, J. (2018). Changing Your Status in a Changing World: It Is Complicated! A Developmental Systems Framework for Understanding Dating Violence in Adolescents and Young Adults. D. Wolfe & J. Temple (Eds), Adolescent Dating Violence: Theory, Research, and Prevention. Academic Press.
Connolly, J., Wincentak, K., and Baird, K. (2018) Dating across the life span. Marc Bornstein (Ed), SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development.
Connolly, J. A., Baird, K., Bravo, V., Lovald, B., Craig, W., Pepler, D. (2017) Adolescents’ Use of Affiliative and Aggressive Strategies During Conflict With Same-Sex Best-Friends and Romantic Partners. In Van de Bongardt, D., Yu, R., Deković, M., & Meeus, W. (Eds.), Romantic relationships and sexuality in adolescence and young adulthood: The role of parents, peers and partners. Oxfordshire, U.K.: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Books (ISBN: 978-1-138-20991-6)
Shulman, S., & Connolly, J. (2015) Romantic Relationships. In J. Arnett, Oxford Handbook of Emerging Adulthood, Oxford University Press
McDonald, K. P., Connolly, J., Roberts, S. D., Ford, M. K., Westmacott, R., Dlamini, N., Tam, E. W. Y., & Williams, T. (2020). A tool to guide early intervention: The adapted Response to Stress Questionnaire for parents following neonatal brain injury. Journal of Pediatric Psychology.
Asghari, M., Connolly, J., & Cochrane-Brink, K. (2020). Peer and dating aggression among early adolescent boys and girls admitted to a secure inpatient psychiatric unit: Links with maltreatment. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, doi:
Heifetz, M., Lake, J., Isaacs, B., Weis, J., & Connolly, J. (2019). Dating and romantic relationships of adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Adolescence, 79, 39-48.
Gennis, H., Di Lorenzo, M., Speigal, R., Martin, J., Connolly, J., & Pillai-Riddell, R. (2019) Does exposure to university researchers improve undergraduate perceptions of research?: A quasi cluster-randomized controlled trial. Innovations in Education and Teaching Internationa, 57, 14-23l.
Baird, K., Connolly, J. & McDonald, K. P. (2019). Sex trafficking of women and girls in a southern Ontario region: Police file review exploring victim characteristics, trafficking experiences and the intersection with child welfare. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.
Joly, L., & Connolly, J. (2019). It Can Be Beautiful or Destructive: Street-Involved Youth’s Perceptions of Their Romantic Relationships and Resilience, Journal of Adolescence, 70, 43-52
Yu, R., De Bongardt, D., Josephson, W., Pepler, D. and Connolly, J. (2018). Internalizing symptoms and dating violence perpetration in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence. 69, 88-91.
Kim, T.H.M., Connolly, J.A., Rotondi, M., & Tamim, H. (2018). Characteristics of positive-interaction parenting style among primparous teenage, optimal age, and advanced age mothers in Canada. BMC Pediatrics, 18(2). DOI 10.1186/s12887-017-0972-z
Bravo, V., Connolly, J., & McIsaac, C. (2017). Why did it end? Break-up reasons of youth of different gender, dating stages and ages. Emerging Adulthood, xx, 1-11
Wincentak, K., Connolly, J., & Card, N. (2016). Teen Dating Violence: A Meta-Analytic Review of Prevalence Rates. Psychology of Violence. Advance Publication
Joly, L., & Connolly, J. (2016). Dating Violence Among High Risk Young Women: A Systematic Review Using Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. Behavioral Sciences. 6(1), 7; doi:10.3390/bs6010007
Lougheed, J. P., Craig, W. M., Pepler, D., Connolly, J., O’Hara, A., Granic, I., & Hollenstein, T. (2016). Maternal and peer regulation of adolescent emotion: Associations with depression symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 44, 963-974.
Yamada, S., Pepler, D., Jiang, D., Cappadocia, C., Craig, W., & Connolly, J. (2015). Developmental trajectories of adolescent substance abuse. Journal Of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 2016, 16(1)
Connolly, J. A., Baird, K., Bravo, V., Lovald, B., Craig, W., Pepler, D. (2015). Adolescents’ Use of Affiliative and Aggressive Strategies During Conflict With Same-Sex Best-Friends and Romantic Partners. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 24, 1-16. DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2015.1066244
Dhayanandham, B., Bohr, Y., & Connolly, J. (2015). Developmental task attainment and child abuse potential in at-risk adolescent mothers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24, 1987-1998.
Schnoll, J., Connolly, J., Josephson, W., & Jiang, D. (2015).Same- and cross-gender sexual harassment victimization is middle school: A developmental-contextual perspective. Journal of School Violence DOI:10.1080/15388220.2014.906311
Asghari, M., Al-Sahab B., Tamim H., & Connolly J. (2020). Teen Motherhood in Canada. To appear in Maggino F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht
Dhariwal, A., & Connolly, J. (2012). The scope of adolescent romantic relationships research in Canada. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Bulletin: Supplement to the International Journal of Behavioural Development, 58, 4-7.
Connolly, J.A., & Friedlander, L. (2009). Peer Group Influences on Adolescent Dating Aggression. Prevention Researcher, 16(1) 8-10.
J. Connolly, Sex trafficking of Underage Girls in Ontario: Risks and Prevention. Presented at the Lilian Wright Learning Institute, York University, November 1, 2019.
J. Connolly, Invited Panelist, Youth Homelessness, Annual EricJackman Lecture Sponsored by LaMarsh Centre for Child and Youth Research and United Way, Toronto, December 2018.
Walper, S., & Connolly, J. Invited Symposium Co-Chairs, Romantic Relationships From Adolescence to Young Adulthood: Continuities and Discontinuities of Relationship Experiences Across Time and Context, International Society Study of Behavioral Development, Goldcoast, Australia, July 2018.
Connolly, J. Youth Romantic Attachments, Department of child and Adolescent Psychiatry 9th Annual Clinical Day, Humber River Hospital, October 2017.
Connolly, J. Romantic Relationships of Vulnerable and High Risk Adolescents. Colloquium Presentation, Department of Psychology, Carleton University, February, 2017.